the longest day
Alzheimer's is a horrible, progressive disease that affects brain cell connections and severely affects memory and other important mental functions.
More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's and the 6th largest leading cause of death in the United States, killing more than breast cancer and prostate cancer victims COMBINED.
Approximately 1 in 10 people age 65 or older has Alzheimer's dementia. Help us fight this debilitating disease from taking our loved ones from us far too soon.
The Longest Day is June 21 2023, the day of the year with the most light- the summer solstice. It's the day Refuse to Do Nothing has committed to fight Alzheimer's disease! We are participating in The Longest Day, a fundraising event to advance the care, support, and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.
Bridgitte's dear friend, Claire, helped her make quilts for orphaned and critically ill babies in 2017.
She passed away later that year.
She was a gifted, beautiful quilt maker. Everything she made was done in love and it touched the lives of so many. Claire had Alzheimer's.
"I sew, quilt, and create using the same love because she is my role model and inspiration.
We can end Alzheimer's and stop the longest day ever."
All donations go directly to the Alzheimer's website.