team hatfield

I am also a woman who felt the calling and need to do something more. My family and I have always donated to and participated in causes we believed in, but we felt it was time to take it up a notch.
So, when I asked myself what I could do, this was the answer. Use both the web and social media to my advantage by sharing my experiences, blogging about my life and loves, and putting it ‘out there’ to see if others felt the same and wanted to help those in need.
That is how Refuse To Do Nothing was born. 100% of every single donation goes directly to our mission, no exceptions.
meet bridgitte
I am you, just someone wanting to give back and ‘pay it forward’ in this world by being a
humanitarian and philanthropist.
I have committed myself to help others
obtain the basic human rights of
clean water, clothes, food, shoes, shelter . . . and most of all, faith.

foster care
We have been a foster family since December of 2018 to aid in the reunification of a child or sibling group and their biological parent(s).
We made this decision as a family to share our hearts and open our arms to give families an opportunity to become whole again.
It's a privilege to be a Foster Family!